New on CD ready to install! Unlimited use no restrictions or anything else needed to buy! Comes with Windows 32 and 64 bit options Fast 3-axis cut-workpiece simulation with 3D visualization for CNC mill or routers. Simulates cylindrical, conical, ballnose, spheroid and snubnose tool shapes. Tool path 3D visualization. Multi-threaded rendering can take advantage of multi-processor CPUs. GCode parsing, simulation, verification and annotation. In application GCode and TPL view and edit. Supports LinuxCNC (AKA EMC2) O-codes and standard G code Export cut workpiece to STL file. Tool table editing. Add height probing to 2D GCode files. Very useful for circuit board cutting and metal engraving. 2D GCode path optimization. (in progress #11) Operates in Windows and Linux. Disclaimer Always use caution when operating any dangerous machinery. Simulation is no substitute for carefully checking the accuracy and safety of your CNC programs. This or any other software could very well make mistakes. Programs which appear