Back to basics
KELLYˇ Review provided by ˇ
November 10, 2020My head can only handle looking at excel spreadsheets and zoom rooms so long. It is so nice to be back to basics with this teacher record book! Everything is spacious that I can write and put spaces between kiddos so I have dual lines going for attendance too!
Thank you!!
MARLENEˇ Review provided by ˇ
January 21, 2024I use this book, with a minor tweak, to record attendance at our small church. It works great and should serve me well for several years.
Teacher Record Book
SHARYMˇ Review provided by ˇ
September 26, 2023I have purchased this book for the last three years.
I have found it suitable for my needs and those of my students 'grade needs.
Teacher Record Book
KATHERINEˇ Review provided by ˇ
August 10, 2019This book is just what I needed. I am a college teacher so I needed a book to display at least 15 weeks of student progress, which this book does. Also enough room to write notes to myself.
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