ˇ Review provided by
Fishpond.com.au ˇ
August 3, 2020For such a slim volume this book contains a veritable library of sage advice. Clear and down-to-earth guidance delivered modestly, never preachy or starchy, all the while deferring to the great ones, and providing just the right number of examples. A pleasure to read and a lifetime companion. Lawrence
Great little volume
douggeri38ˇ Review provided by
ebay.com ˇ
April 13, 2024This is an excellent book for the study of the craft elements of poetry, Plain language, no nonsense guidance with excellent examples,
A poetry handbook. Exactly what it says, gives tips and pointers.
scot.jaspeˇ Review provided by
ebay.com ˇ
February 1, 2017I have just started writing poetry for my own pleasure. It gave me the reason why, do we write and where does the inspiration come from. What Mary Oliver said is what I have sensed. Inspiration is sometimes mysterious. Enjoyed the book, and the insight within.
Quintessential reading for aspiring poets
Practicing Poetˇ Review provided by
booktopia.com.au ˇ
June 27, 2021I read this little book today,
That wisely taught the poet's way -
To think and rhyme and break the line,
I am so glad this book is mine!
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