Gramsci on the Geography of State Power Spatializing the Philosophy of Praxis Gramsci and the Southern Question Gramsci on Americanism and Fordism Gramsci on Territoriality and State Power Gramsci and International Relations Conclusions 5.
Content Description #Includes bibliographical references and index. "This is a thoroughly fascinating book by one of our major constitutional thinkers.
This study argues that the liberal notion of the rule of law regulating the exercise of power is unlikely to come about in much of southeastern Asia. The book asserts that it is more likely to promote political elites.
A classic on the separation of powers, this book dissects the crucial constitutional disputes between the executive and legislative branches from the Constitutional Convention to the present day.
One of the intellectual grave-diggers of the Weimar Republic, he wrote this brilliant book in the middle of the political crisis, opting for presidential dictatorship.
Focused in particular on the writings of Aristotle, Locke and Kant, this book recovers and highlights ways of thinking about legislation that present it as a dignified mode of governance and a respectable source of law.
Thus the First Congress left us a rich legacy of arguments over the meaning of a variety of constitutional provisions, and the quality of those arguments was impressively high.