subject:"Boys" from
The unforgettable, heartbreaking story of the unlikely friendship between a wealthy boy and the son of his father's servant, The Kite Runner is a beautifully crafted novel set in a country that is in the process of being destroyed.
subject:"Boys" from
Fantasy about a young boy and a huge magical peach.
subject:"Boys" from
When David Shannon was five years old, he wrote and illustrated his first book. On every page were these words: No, David! ... and a picture of David doing things he was not supposed to do. Now David is all grown up.
subject:"Boys" from
Huckleberry Finn, an abused outcast, rafts with Jim, a runaway slave, down the Mississippi River, where they have a variety of experiences.
subject:"Boys" from
Leif Enger's best-selling debut is at once a heroic quest, a tragedy, and a love story, in which "what could be unbelievable becomes extraordinary" (Connie Ogle, The Miami Herald).
subject:"Boys" from
Two Burmese boys, one a Karenni refugee and the other the son of an imprisoned Burmese doctor, meet in the jungle and in order to survive they must learn to trust each other.
subject:"Boys" from
"Zephyr, Alabama, has been an idyllic home for eleven-year-old Cory Mackenson ... a place where monsters swim in the belly of the river, and friends are forever.
subject:"Boys" from
Contents. Tom Sawyer abroad. - Tom Sawyer, detective.
subject:"Boys" from
An exciting and touching tale of an Irish orphan-boy who has lived free in the streets of Lahore before setting out, with a Tibetan Lama, on a double quest.
subject:"Boys" from
The adventures of a boy and a runaway slave as they travel down the Mississippi River on a raft.