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subject:"Philosophy" from
Denkmäler zu errichten ist dabei ein - entscheidendes - Merkmal der nationalen Identifikation. Helke Rausch leistet hierzu einen transnationalen Vergleich und eröffnet Denkmal-Topographien in den Metropolen Paris, Berlin und London.
subject:"Philosophy" from
An in-depth study of the philosophy, science and art of true self-knowledge taught by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, giving detailed guidance on the practice of self-investigation (atma-vichara), 'Who am I?'
subject:"Philosophy" from
Anthropologists find themselves asking many of the same questions as Wittgenstein—and in a reflection of that, this volume is fleshed out with a series of engagements with Wittgenstein’s ideas by some of the world’s leading ...
subject:"Philosophy" from
This volume aims to shed light on some of the key issues that are involved in discussions about the aesthetics and the philosophy of everyday life, taking into account the field’s methodological background and intersections with cognate ...
subject:"Philosophy" from
«في هذا الكتاب محاوَلةٌ لدراسة ميدان لم يُطرَق من قبلُ على نطاقٍ واسع، وهو العلاقة بين آراء الفلاسفة وتطوُّر الموسيقى على مر ...
subject:"Philosophy" from
Philosophical Soc. (APS). The essays in this vol., pub. as a companion to an exhib. of the same title & on the occasion of the Franklin Tercentenary of 2006, highlight Dashkova as an accomplished Enlightenment woman.
subject:"Philosophy" from
Cuma Bozkurt'un kaleminden çıkan bu kitap, okurlarını hayatın yüzeysel zevklerinden öteye, ruhun en derin köşelerine ve ilahi hakikate ulaşmaya çağırıyor.
subject:"Philosophy" from
«فإذا أردنا فهمَ المذهب العقلي، وجَب علينا أن ندرك أن العقل يبدأ في أداء وظيفته منذ مرحلة الإدراك الحسي. لكن ينبغي أيضًا ألا نتصوَّر ...
subject:"Philosophy" from
Kendi olmaya açık varoluşta kendi olmaya hep yeniden başlamak olanaklıydı. Halil İbrahim Genç'in tüm çalışmalarına adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
subject:"Philosophy" from
Poezia lui Sorin Cerin contribuie, prin fiecare nou vers, prin fiecare nouă poezie sau culegere, la edificarea unui asemenea sistem spiritual autarhic.