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subject:"Law General" from
Victor Hugo est le seul à avoir prononcé autant de condamnations ad hominem contre les magistrats de son siècle.
subject:"Law General" from
A fundamental introduction on how to think about, do, and evaluate research in the criminology and criminal justice field.
subject:"Law General" from
Explores the issue of the education of undocumented school children, examining both financial and legal topics.
subject:"Law General" from
With Point Made, legal writing expert Ross Guberman throws a life preserver to attorneys, who are under more pressure than ever to produce compelling prose.
subject:"Law General" from
Based on author's thesis (doctoral - Humboldt-Universitèat zu Berlin, 2020).
subject:"Law General" from
Judge Theodor Meron addresses the key questions facing the international criminal justice system, drawing on two decades of experience as an international judge and a distinguished academic career.
subject:"Law General" from
However, no book is able to anticipate each situation and circumstance arising in the heat of battle. As such, use this book in conjunction with your own background, training and experience. Good luck! Nathaniel J. Friedman, Esq.
subject:"Law General" from
This book explains in concise and straightforward terms: • Discussion of the courts system, both civil and criminal; • Details of the tribunal system • The doctrine of precedent • Statutory interpretation • Personnel in the legal ...
subject:"Law General" from
The author examines the controversies surrounding cyber-harassment, arguing that it should be considered a matter for civil rights law and that social norms of decency and civility must be leveraged to stop it. --Publisher information.
subject:"Law General" from
The book concentrates on how the law facilitates and regulates the operation of companies, both large and small, reflecting the realities of current practice.