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subject:"Boys" from
Luke is not yet 12 when his father dies of a heart attack, leaving him an orphan.
subject:"Boys" from
Learn how you can move underachieving boys from a position of weakness to one of strength using the Pathways to Re-Engagement model, which incorporates research findings and insights from the author's own experience.
subject:"Boys" from
"Though some of these more than 40 personal accounts convey the exquisite angst of the men's movement, the broad range of experiences should strike many chords".--PUBLISHERS WEEKLY.
subject:"Boys" from
An open letter from one generation to the next, 'A Better Man' sheds some much-needed light on the path to manhood, showing boys another way. A better way.
subject:"Boys" from
This book offers clear and practical strategies to headteachers, classroom teachers and other professionals for ways to address the issue of boys' underachievement.
subject:"Boys" from
Presents Bible stories and devotions for boys, including "Joseph's Jealous Brothers," "David Fights Goliath," and "Philip and the Ethiopian."
subject:"Boys" from
"Poignant and revealing. The only disappointment here is that the story has to come to an end.
subject:"Boys" from
Includes cartoons from The Revenge of the Baby-Sat and Scientific Progress Goes "Boink" featuring Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes.
subject:"Boys" from
Dorothy tries to rescue the Tin Woodman and Scarecrow from the giantess who has changed them into a tin owl and a teddy bear and is using them for playthings.
subject:"Boys" from
Rob admits having seen a murder, but no one believes him--except the murderer.