- This book provides an answer - "a man who knows" speaks in it, the initiate and disciple of his god.' The Birth of Tragedy (1872) is a book about the origins of Greek tragedy and its relevance to the German culture of its time.
In this book, Gadamer established the field of 'philosophical hermeneutics': exploring the nature of knowledge, the book rejected traditional quasi-scientific approaches to establishing cultural meaning that were prevalent after the war.
Nueva traducción completa de la teoría estética de Adorno, expuesta en relación/confrontación con otras filosofías clásicas, como la kantiana o la hegeliana, así como con la teoría cultural, la filosofía de la historia, la cultura ...
The towering literary achievement of the Victorian age, a land mark in art criticism, is now available for the first time in an illustrated and annotated abridgement, a manageable size for the general reader. 87 illustrations, 20 in color.
Putnam calls upon philosophers to attend to the gap between the present condition of their subject and the human aspirations that philosophy should and once did claim to represent. His goal is to embed philosophy in social life.