Since process models are nowadays ubiquitous in many applications, the challenges and alternatives related to their development, validation, and efficient use have become more apparent.
In a conceptually current, quick-reference, Question & Answer format, the second edition of Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions continues to provide a comprehensive and yet concise state-of-the-art ...
LAPACK is a library of numerical linear algebra subroutines designed for high performance on workstations, vector computers, and shared memory multiprocessors.
Most people know what management is but often people have vague ideas about Manageralism. This book introduces Manageralism and its ideology as a colonising project that has infiltrated nearly every eventuality of human society.
This book comprises selected peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference on VLSI, Signal Processing, Power Systems, Illumination and Lighting Control, Communication and Embedded Systems (VSPICE-2019).