School Choice: The Findings is the most comprehensive and up-to-date survey available, summarizing the research on charter schools, vouchers, and public versus private school effectiveness, from one of the country's most distinguished ...
Herbert J. Walberg's book continues the work of previous publications from the Center on Innovation & Improvement (Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement and Handbook on the Statewide Systems of Support) that connect ...
In this book, world-renowned education expert Herbert J. Walberg draws from current research on tests and their use to inform citizens, educators, and policy makers about well-established principles of testing, current problems, and ...
This book takes a hard look at the professional, technical, and public policy issues surrounding student achievement and teacher effectiveness—and shows how testing and accountability can play a vital role in improving American schools.
Targeted toward policymakers, practitioners, scholars, and those seeking understanding of ideas for social and educational reform, this book focuses on promising solutions to problems facing today's children and youth in urban and other ...
(Published in cooperation with The Center on Innovation & Improvement) As suggested by the title, the purpose of this Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement is to provide principles for restructuring and substantially ...