... in author carried in the hand by the way . The the United States , on which he is understood to describing voice is ... Charles Lanman's correspondence from the the publishers , should have allowed it to be New York Tribune , Mr ...
... Charles Lanman , Farthest North : The Life and Explorations of Lieutenant James Booth Lockwood of the Greely Arctic ... in author's possession . 26. John Alexander Lockwood attended Dickinson College in Carlisle , PA , took his ...
This book is the culmination of patient research and mature reflection of a profoundly original mind and has earned universal recognition and honour over the last few decades.
... Charles Scribner, New York. <http://books.google.com/books?id=q-7wEQi0Gj0C&print sec=frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22George+Perkins+Marsh%22&lr=&as_drrb_is=q&as_ minm_is=1&as_miny_is=2009&as_maxm_is=12&as_maxy_is=2009&as_brr=1&as_pt= ALLTYPES ...
... in author's collection ; LCW and NCW 1940 letters , WFC ; ancestry.com input from genealogist Arthur Westneat ... Lanman - Wright Hall . Another cousin of the Williams sisters , Charles Fremont Williams , a Civil War hero in the ...
... Lanman ; Governmental History of the does not want the paper longer will please return us the first number United ... Charles Francis Adams ; and The History of Harvard University , in two volumes , by President Quincy . The Fine ...