Benson John Lossing was an American historian, known best for his illustrated books on the American Revolution and American Civil War and features in Harper's Magazine. He was a charter trustee of Vassar College. Wikipedia
Born: February 12, 1813, Beekman, NY
Died: June 3, 1891 (age 78 years), Dover Plains, NY
The Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution: Or, Illustrations, by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War for Independence
A History of the Civil War
Our Country: A Household History of the United States for All Readers, from the Discovery of America to the Present Time
History of the United States
Harper's Encyclopædia of United States History from 458 A.D. to 1909: Based Upon the Plan of Benson John Lossing...
Life of Washington: A Biography, Personal, Military, and Political
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